I completely understand the anger felt by some people after a few protesters last week daubed graffiti on Winston Churchill's monument and tried to set fire to a flag on the Cenotaph.
These acts were wrong, albeit driven perhaps by a sense of disgust at our colonial past.
However, there was absolutely no reason for white supremacists (urged on by the racist and Islamaphobic hate group, Britain First) to go to London to 'protect' statues. The statues that were thought to potentially be at risk had already been protected, having been securely shielded.
This was purely an exercise in stirring up more racial hatred by Paul Golding and his vulgar friends.
This ugly racist does not represent the views of most British people; he doesn't even represent the views of the majority of white British people.
Golding, like his friend Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (who is so pathetic he finds the need to call himself Tommy Robinson; perhaps because it sounds more like a man of the 'people' than his given name), is a worthless bigot. He is obsessed by hate and the ridiculous idea that the place you were born, or the history of your lineage, influences whether you are 'good' or 'bad'. Â This is, as anyone who is actually able to think coherently without being influenced by xenophobic nonsense will attest, absolutely ridiculous as well as being abhorrent.
I honestly cannot understand how anyone can believe that the country you were born in, the colour of your skin or the religion you were taught can, on their own, have any influence on whether you are more or less moral than anyone else.
As an example; I am a white, heterosexual, British, 'middle class' atheist in my 50s. None of that information is something that I am, or should be, proud of. It is simply a statement of fact. I had no influence over any of these facts about myself:
I didn't 'decide' to be white; it just happens that both my parents were white.
No one chooses their sexuality; you're either attracted to men, attracted to women, or attracted to both. It's not a choice, it's how you're born.
Being 'working class', 'middle class', 'upper class' or anything else doesn't determine your value. Your actions determine your worth to society.
My religion, or rather lack of it, does not influence my ability to be good or bad. It is my moral standards that affect how I behave. Some may need to have their morals driven by 'faith', but that doesn't make their behaviour any worse or better the those of us who use their own moral compass.
I guess that my age is one of the most obvious 'irrelevant' factors. I could be 15/16 and a decent person, or decades older and quite unpleasant.
Golding, Yaxley-Lennon and their ilk are truly the worst of our society. They don't value people for who they are, or what they do. Their main focus is the colour of their skin, or where they come from. Some of them might claim it is religion; that they are Christians and are affronted by the actions of non-Christians.
This is just lies, meant to disguise the ugly racist, xenophobic bigotry that actually drives their views.
If you watch the footage on the news, you will see thugs running at the police and aiming kicks at them, before running back into the crowds to try and hide themselves. They are cowardly and I hope they are identified and punished.
I also hope that they will be identified by their employers and that those employers will have the good sense to disassociate themselves; not just from the disgusting views these people express, but from the individuals themselves.
These people weren't protesting for those who are being oppressed. They were there to create a disturbance and encourage disorder. They are not paragons of virtue; quite the opposite.
The white supremacist thugs who turned out today, 13th June 2020, were seen to be attacking the police; throwing missiles, hurling abuse and trying to create havoc.
These thugs need to be identified and made to pay for their disgusting behaviour.