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Universities: Coventry Students 'Party', Whilst 770 Students Test Positive For COVID At Northumbria


A university education is something that so many young people look forward to.

It's a chance to be free for the first time in their lives; to leave home, live independently and make their own decisions - their own mistakes.

Whilst going to university is definitely about extending an individual's learning and better equipping them for their future lives, it is also (increasingly) about the experience. The numbers attending university have increased significantly over the last couple of decades and, I think, this has possibly been to the detriment of the underlying purpose of further education.

We are currently experiencing an incredibly difficult period.

COVID has impacted the lives of students, much as it has affected the rest of us; arguably more so in many cases.

The fact that so many students are in lockdown in universities across the country is a great shame. In almost every case, the students are innocent victims of the pandemic, who have sought to continue their education - following the guidance of our government.

However, it is sad to see images like the one above.

I know that our teenagers are missing out on their social engagement, just as we are too, but parties and boisterous events like these are a breeding ground for the virus and should be avoided.

If students can't behave responsibly, there is a significant risk that universities will be forced to close and their further education will be severely impacted.

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