Is this a typical example of the level of knowledge of pro-Brexit MPs?
If this is his way of suggesting that those UK citizens who are against Brexit retain their right to free movement, he is more stupid than he appears.
Not, I imagine, that the free movement of UK citizens is the most important issue for most pro-EU people in the UK.
I would expect the following to rank higher in people’s list of concerns (in no particular order):
the possible impact of Brexit on the NHS;
the very real concerns expressed by UK motor manufacturers regarding the threat to ‘just in time’ parts deliveries;
the ongoing impact of a devalued £;
the loss of funding for research in the UK, which has already started to dry up;
the concerns expressed by members of the hospitality industry about the likely loss of ‘low skilled’ workers from the EU, on which it depends;
the potentially devastating affect of a lack of EU immigration on the care home industry; and...
Well I could continue all day adding bullet points here, but you can get the drift.
I urge all those opposing Brexit to write to their MP, regardless as to whether they’re known to be pro or anti EU.
I ask that all those pro-EU readers who are physically able, which sadly currently excludes me, to try and attend the match in London this Saturday 20th October and engage in peaceful protest against Brexit.
And please, if you want us to remain in the EU, share this post, like my page, share my page and other posts and keep posting pro-EU messages to your social media.