It is time for PM May to recognise that she is no Maggie Thatcher and she really does need to find a safe place to do a u-turn.
It’s time for Brexiteers to stop saying, “we voted to leave and we’re leaving”!
The electorate were not sufficiently educated about the truths behind the countless lies spouted about our EU membership and, in any event, were voting blind, with no knowledge as to what Brexit would actually mean.
Before a final decision is taken, the British voting public should be asked to have their say on the proposed outcome; including whether we should just retract Article 50 and remain full members of the EU or (if the option is available) we should adopt a model such as Norway’s. In effect, their should be two questions:
Should we withdraw our Article 50 letter and remain full members of the EU.
If we do not withdraw our Article 50 letter, should we:
Accept the deal worked out between the British government and the EU;
Adopt the Norway model; or
Leave the EU without a deal.
If campaigning is permitted prior to the vote, all such campaigning should require independent review and sign off prior to use.