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The Right To Protest


This does highlight a real issue.

Some would say that, in France, the protests are frequently anarchic and criminal in their delivery. If fact, I would agree with them. When farmers or others blockade French ports, bringing haulage and tourism to its knees and burning tyres and endangering lives, it appears (at least to those of us who may not know all the facts) to be malicious, ugly and self-indulgent.

There should be some control over such protests, or at least I think there should.

However, when you look at the lack of freedom in the supposed 'leader of the free world'; the 'land of the free' and the 'home of the brave', it does make you wonder.

Megalomaniacs like Trump do not care about America or Americans. They care about themselves, their obscene wealth and protecting their friends; who can then protect them.

America has an appalling record on looking after the less well of in society, and yet they appear baffled at the crime rate.

I don't know what the answer is, but you can be sure the Orangutang currently occupying the White House doesn't have the answer or any interest in finding it.

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