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The Austin Bomber - A Terrorist

The guy pictured to the right, Shaun King, is absolutely correct. He isn't the terrorist. He is an American writer and civil rights activist. He is noted for his use of social media to promote social causes, including the Black Lives Matter movement.

He says, "This is Mark Anthony Conditt - the Austin Bomber. He is a terrorist.

I want you to imagine for just a moment if it was a Muslim man who bombed and murdered people all over an American city.

Then killed himself with a literal suicide bomb - injuring a cop in the process.

Imagine how different the news would be."

Sean King

Mark Anthony Conditt - The Austin Bomber

He was talking about the 23 year old Christian extremist pictured to the left.

If the bomber had not been white, the papers, TV and the orange buffoon in the White House would have all been calling him a terrorist.

He is a terrorist.

He was deliberately spreading fear through his campaign of bombing; killing and injuring people.

The biggest extremist / terror threat on the radar for law enforcement agencies in America is from white suprematists like this (apparently) ‘home schooled’ murderer.

His ‘targeted’ victims were blacks or Hispanics, I believe, with the only whites being injured by a more random trip wire primed bomb. This one could have impacted literally anyone; black or white, Christian or Muslim or atheists or Jew, adult or child.

He is a terrorist.

America needs to address these issues.

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