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Test & Trace Has Faced Heavy Criticism For A Long Time, But This Latest News Beggars Belief


I have seen so many criticisms of the UK's Test and Trace system, mostly on social media by people vocalising their anger at the money wasted on what was seen as a failure.

Today, however, I see a news story that really makes you wonder how so much money was spent on a project with so many flaws.

The check-in data from hundreds of millions of people who had visited venues in the period before lockdown has barely been used by Test and Trace. This was identified through a confidential report obtained by Sky News.

The Test and Trace service cost £22bn, and yet has failed to meet the effectiveness rates that had been expected.

The fact that the data from people checking in to pubs, restaurants, coffee shops and hairdressers was not used as intended, suggests a staggering level of incompetence.

It is possible that this wasn't a major factor in the significant peak in COVID-19 infections that lead to the various lockdowns; and finally the nationwide restrictions that came in to force on Boxing Day last year. But, even if it wasn't a major contributor, it will have been a factor.

It is possible that this wasn't a major factor in the UK having one of the worst COVID-19 death rates per capita in the world. But, even if it wasn't a major contributor, it will have been a factor.

This government have awarded tenders without proper due diligence and stands accused of gifting contracts to their friends and those who have donated money to the Conservative Party.

When the dust has settled after COVID-19; when we get back to 'life as normal', there had to be an independent enquiry into every element of the government's handling of the pandemic.

Maybe this will exonerate the government and show them to have handled things well, but I doubt it.

If, as I suspect, it identifies significant failures that call into question the fitness and propriety of politicians and those involved with the related projects, there should be proper actin taken to address those failures. This could lead to charges against individuals for Misconduct in Public Office against individual ministers or public servants and to fraud charges against those who have misappropriated public funds or engaged in illegal profiteering during this crisis.

It would be lovely if the enquiries led to outcomes that assured the general public that we did a good job. However, it is essential that we actual test this properly and deal with any misconduct robustly.

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