This woman's reason for joining the rally are based upon the lies she's been told about Muslims being 'allowed' to have sex with children. I hope she will open herself up to education on the subject, and that she will learn that paedophilic acts are not permitted in countries where Islam is the predominant religion, any more than it is in 'so called' Christian countries.
Indeed, some States in America do permit children to get married and engage in sexual acts with adults far older than them. There have been cases where children as young as 11 or 12 who have been raped, have been forced by their Christian parents into marrying their rapist, to protect the rapist from prosecution! Just typing that out is enough to make me feel sick.
The xenophobic bigots like Yaxley-Lennon (surely it is time we stopped using his 'mob name') incite others into religious and racial hatred through their lies and unbalanced acts.
Yaxley-Lennon is in prison for risking unsettling the trial of an Asian grooming gang, by live streaming from the court house - something he has been warned about before. So why does he do it? Is it because the abuse of children is predominantly an Asian or Muslim thing? No, it is because of his ugly bigotry.
The vast majority of child abusers in the UK are white men of Christian background. One of the most abhorrent cases in recent times was heard in Bristol, where a group were imprisoned for the rape and sexual abuse of babies and toddlers! They were also grooming expectant parents, in order to find more victims before they'd even been born.
Did Yaxley-Lennon protest outside that court? No, of course not. It didn't suit his racist and Islamaphobic agenda.