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Stay Home, Stay Safe


In spite of all of the guidance, the increasing restrictions that are being mandated and the 'threat' of police action, some people are still ignoring the risks and 'mingling' with friends and family that they don't live with.

There was a mind-boggling case of 25 people at a karaoke party which had to be dispersed by the police; seriously?

A friend of mine, who is classed as vulnerable due to going through treatment for blood cancer, has neighbours who were having friends round every evening. Obviously, my friend avoided risk by not going anywhere near them, but it's staggering that some people are being so selfish.

The police in some areas are being criticised for enforcing the lockdown too vigourously. Warrington Police's actions have been described as 'dystopian' after officers opted to summon people to court for offences which have included, 'returning from parties'.  What on earth people were doing attending parties during a lockdown?

Others have been caught driving to relieve their boredom.

You might initially think, "What's the harm run that? If they're alone in the car, or just with the people they live with, how is that a breach of social distancing?"

However, it is not necessary travel.

The police and other emergency services have had to deal with serious accidents, involving attendance by themselves, the fire brigade, ambulance service and the Air Ambulance. When dealing with such incidents, they are obviously unable to maintain a two metre distance.

Needless travel, leads to needless risks.

Social mingling should now be kept on hold until such time as the restrictions have been lifted.

Socialising can be done online, we can talk on the phone and we can use video calls.

Sometime soon, we will be able to resume some degree of face to face interaction. But until then we should comply with the rules. Unless your journey is necessary, don't make it.

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