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Spanish Prime Minister Joins Calls For Second Brexit Vote


Click the image of Pedro Sánchez and UK Prime Minister Theresa May to read the Politico article

I recognise that Brexiteers will scoff at the idea of the Prime Minister of another European country suggesting we should have a second vote; what business is it of his and what about his vested interests?

Some may also accuse him of hypocrisy over the treatment of the Catalans and their vote for independence. There is a difference, of course.

In my opinion, the more people who stand up and speak out against the disastrous prospect of us leaving the EU the better.

Whilst many European politicians have voiced regret over the departure of the UK from the EU and have even indicated that a u-turn would be welcomed, the only ones to have previously called for a second vote are the Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and his counterpart in the Czech Republic, Andrej Babiš.

Sadly, I think that calls from politicians; whether they are our own or foreign, will only anger the extreme Brexit supporting media and, thereafter, the 'great' British public.

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