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Some Brexiteers Accuse The Remain Camp Of Lying; But They keep Lying Themselves


You can read the Tom Pride blog post by clicking the 'Fake News Alert' above

Whenever I cite lies by Vote Leave, Leave EU and other Brexit campaigners, I get challenged about lies from the Remain camp in rebuttal. The problem is, the lies they complain about are almost exclusively not lies, but predictions. And these are not the wild predictions of a wacky fortune teller, purporting to know the date of the end of the world. These are predictions from respected economists, academics, scientists, business leaders and past UK Prime Ministers, along with other world leaders.

And yet, the supporters of Brexit continue spreading lies.

Let me be clear. These are not predictions about the repercussions of respected professionals based upon real knowledge and expertise. They are instead bare faced lies meant to mislead gullible citizens into continuing their support for the disastrous plan to leave the EU.

I see these popping up on social media feeds, shared by people who do not realise they are being lied to. Instead, they believe the nationalistic propaganda spread by millionaires and billionaires (many of them foreign) who are set to benefit from the UK's exit from the largest trading block in the world.

Below, there are two screenshots of such outright lies. Remember that; they are lies, not predictions or 'scaremongering' stories. The red text comes from the Tom Pride blog which can be accessed by clicking any of the images on this post.

Our nation should be appalled at the actions of media barons and politicians with ulterior motives, who seek to stir up hatred and mistrust in those (and against those) who do not deserve such treatment.

Please people. Think about it. Why are Vote Leave, Leave EU and the foreign owned media, along with Putin's Russia, so keen to fabricate stories that will turn people away from the truth and instead lead to them throwing themselves at an uncertain future.

Why are they so keen to create havoc in our remaining manufacturing businesses, the scientific sectors and financial services industry? It obviously isn't driven by their concern for the wellbeing of our ordinary people.

The union; whether it is the United Kingdom, the EU or the friendships that bind so many of us, is important. Together, in each and every one of these relationships, we are stronger.

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