Last night, whilst out with a friend for a beer, I received an email from the leader of the Liberal Democrats, Vince Cable. Obviously, this wasn't a personal email. It was an email, I believe, sent to all party members and supporters.
The email confirmed the passing of Lord 'Paddy' Ashdown earlier in the evening, aged 77.
I recognise that people don't generally mourn the passing of politicians; not here in the UK.
Whatever your party allegiances, 'Paddy' was someone who had the ability to attract support from people of different political backgrounds. He was a softly spoken and intelligent MP, who spoke a lot of sense and led his party for over ten years, overseeing the Liberal Democrats becoming a growing force in UK politics.
More recently, he has taken his responsibilities in the House of Lords seriously and, in 2013 (by way of example), voiced his dismay at the UK's lack of response to the horrors in Syria. He tweeted:
"We are a hugely diminished country this am. MPs cheered last night. Assad, Putin this morning. Farage too as we plunge towards isolationism. In 50 years trying to serve my country I have never felt so depressed/ashamed. Britain's answer to the Syrian horrors? none of our business."
He was also, prior to his political career, a member of Her Majesty's Armed Forces; serving in the Royal Marines and the Special Boat Service (SBS). Following his departure from the Marines he worked for the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS / MI6). It is clear that this was a man who served his country to the best of his ability for much of his life, using his strengths and skills to great use.
The newspapers and other media outlets are obviously paying due respect to Lord Ashdown, as are his political opponents, allies and friends. I don't intend to repeat much of what will no doubt be heard or read by most people, or at least most people who have many interest.
Suffice it to say, we lost a good man and a great public servant.
RIP Paddy.