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Rick Tyler: Racist, Homophobic and All-Round Obnoxious Bigot


As I've said in other posts, extremism is wrong in whatever form it takes.

This was yet another case of white supremacist extremism. I find it staggering to find out that someone could, as recently as 2016, run a campaign so focussed on hate and division.

Looking at his website, it is filled with obscene views and hateful attacks on decent people.

Whilst he failed to win his seat in Congress, it hasn't stopped him continuing to post his vulgar views.

As I write this, I struggle to comprehend how this sort of extreme bigotry should be handled.

I do not think it is right to allow people to actively promote such hateful views. People like this pose a serious threat to society as a whole, not just the specific groups who are the target of their hostility.

It is time for hatred to be set aside, to remember that we are all more alike than we are different.

Click the image to view the Snopes article

This wasn't his only hateful billboard...

Rick Tyler doesn't care for the idea of mixed race relations. I'd love for his genetic profile to be tested to see what 'non-white' lineage there is.

It seems that Rick Tyler has an issue with the former Ottoman Empire, or perhaps just Islam as a whole. I'm guessing he doesn't care about the contributions to Science and Technology during the Ottoman Empire's six hundred year rule, which are beyond measure.

I'm pretty sure that the Americans had a civil war in the 1860s and that the Confederates (this is their flag) lost... Are all people who still fly this flag white supremacists?

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