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Racial Profiling Is An Immense Problem And Must Be Stopped


This evening I saw a post by a friend on Facebook. I was actually looking for a different post of his I'd seen earlier in the day and wanted to reference in my blog, but I was distracted by this (click the image to see the actual video).

You can see the video of the racist cop harassing (threatening) a black man for picking up litter by clicking the link

This was apparently about a year ago, but is further evidence of the abhorrent behaviour of some people who put on a uniform and get given a gun.

I know that most cops aren't like this. But, the number that are is significant enough for it to be a real issue.

This is yet another example from America, but these issues exist around the world. These issues exist in the UK, where I live.

Clearly there is a need for increased checks on applicants who wish to serve as a police officers. Those who are racist, or exhibit other discriminatory behaviour, should be prevented from getting a badge.

At the same time, regular checks should be performed on serving officers.

There is no room for racism or bigotry in any police force.

Annual 'fit and proper' tests should be conducted to identify anyone whose beliefs pose a threat to the general public or who might be liable to discriminatory behaviour. Anyone who is identified as potentially unsuitable for the responsibility of enforcing the law should be subject to close scrutiny, monitoring and assessment. The most important thing should be protecting the citizens the officers are supposed to serve.

If the process indicates that the officer poses an ongoing threat to the community, they should be removed from duty.

The example in the video above shows a young man who was picking litter outside his halls of residence. He wasn't doing anything wrong. And yet the police officer accused him of trespass (he wasn't), having a weapon (which was a litter picking tool, accompanied by the bucket he was placing the litter in) and then proceeded to threaten him with a taser and then his gun.

The officer offered no apologies when a campus official arrived and confirmed that the young man was indeed supposed to be there.

This is the type of situation that many black people face on a daly basis.

And, the fact that it doesn't happen to caucasian citizens is evidence of the White Privilege that exists and so many short sighted people deny exists.

For me, as a white heterosexual male living in the UK, to admit that white privilege exists, doesn't mean that I agree with it, want it or condone it. Nor does it make me racist.

It means I'm aware of the inherent unfairness in our society.

We must all do what we can to stand up to racism; to say 'NO!' when we see instances of discrimination and make it clear that we do not support anyone who would allow intolerance of others to steer their behaviours.

We need to unite in the desire to protect those who are discriminated against.

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