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President Chump Strikes Again: George Floyd "Is Hopefully Looking Down, Saying This Is A Good Thing"


The orange faced idiot that currently holds the position of President of the United States has, in spite of the pain being suffered by millions across America, chosen to use George Floyd's name in one of his bizarre and ridiculous claims of success.

President Chump takes a break on the White House after yet another nauseating press conference

I realise that we are used to the orangutan president speaking nonsense, insulting people, lying and offering bizarre medical advice.  However, with protestors taking to the streets across America and many parts of the world, his comments about George being happy with the unemployment figures is beyond belief.

If George Floyd is indeed looking down on America from Heaven, I somehow think he would be preoccupied with looking at his family and other loved ones, the action being taken against the racist cop who murdered him and the people mobilising across the globe, repeating those words, "I can't breathe"!

I've made no secret of the fact that I think Trump is the worst president America has ever had, or that he is a particularly despicable excuse for a human being. His boasts about being able to get away with sexual assault, his constant lies, his narcissistic manner and the bile that gets spewed out on his Twitter feed make it impossible to have anything but disgust for him.

How anyone can defend him is beyond me, and yet I'm sure the ultra-Conservative religious extremists that seem to make up a significant part of his fan base will continue support him.

Shame on them.

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