This absolute disgrace of a human being, let alone a POTUS, has tried to blame everyone else but himself and his 'yes men' for the horror he has put these children, and their parents, through.
He not only breaks the rules of human decency, but the laws of his own country in treating these children in this manner.
It is not just impeachment he deserves, but prosecution by a global court.
The lies keep coming, the hate still spews out of not just the orange sweaty pores of his ugly face, but out of every action by him and his administration.
He is possibly in the top five (three? two?) most hated men in the world, but sadly the white extremists and the sicophantic Fox News still look at him with awe rather than the contempt he deserves.
It is time that the migrants were accepted into the USA, and given tickets to point and laugh at the orange faced, fake haired sex offender as he takes prime spot in the American Zoo of Horror.