Friday 13th August 2021
I’ve been quiet, on here at least, for a long time.
There’s so much going on in my life, that creating content for this blog has simply not been a priority.
It isn’t a lack of time; I can’t really use that as an excuse.
It has been, rather, a lack of enthusiasm and confidence.
My decree nisi was granted in November 2019. I had hoped that, given that it was my ex who had left me and subsequently commenced divorce proceedings, the divorce settlement and decree absolute would have followed soon after. However, my ex has continued to cause delays; refusing to engage with mediators to try and work out a deal, deliberately slowing court proceedings and seeking to exact control over my life.
Without the positivity I gain from my relationship with my girlfriend (of just over a year), I do wonder whether I would have made it through the pandemic. I didn’t catch the virus and have been lucky enough to have been double jabbed (although I realise that this doesn’t mean I’m 100% immune), so I’m not referring to dying from COVID.
I guess I’m saying that the impact on my mental health, on top of my physical health issues, may have led to me to give up on life… I frequently felt that my ex was hoping I’d commit suicide and leave her all the money resulting from the sale of the old marital home.
The thing is, if I had done that, creditors would have taken funds from the estate to clear the debts and, the offer I had made effectively only left me with enough money to clear those debts anyway; giving her nearly £100k in cash.
Anyway, I’m hopeful of a resolution soon and there’s been so much happening that I should have written about. So I have made the decision to restart the blog.
I hope there will be some more ( content soon.