How interesting that the Economists for Free Trade could only manage to drag one economist to the launch of their much ridiculed plan for the future.
I hate the criticism of Jacob Rees-Mogg for being a toff; he had no choice of what family he was born into and being a toff is not in itself something to be criticised for; any more than you should be criticised for being the son of a blacksmith, bus driver or soldier. It is irrelevant.
What is relevant, is the absolute absurdity of his stance on the EU and our prospects for utopia outside of the customs union.
As more and more warning signs are posted about the possible effects of Brexit, it is astonishing how these politicians - from both the Conservatives and the Labour Party - continue to push for our departure from the EU regardless of the outcome.
It is time, in my opinion, for a new government; one that isn't hampered by the delusional desire to cling onto a referendum result won by lies, xenophobia and fraud.
It is time for a Liberal Democrat government; and I have never previously voted for a Liberal Democrat candidate in any election.