A CNN reporter had a brief discussion with a woman driving away from from a church service in America, where at least 14 states have exempted religious gatherings from the lockdown.
During the brief exchange, whilst defending her decision to go to church, she repeatedly said, "I'm covered in Jesus' blood". Aside from this being a disturbing thing to actually say, it absolutely demonstrates the incredible stupidity and selfishness of some Christians; other religions are available and, I'm sure, have some stupid followers.
The ignorance of the woman really does beggar belief.
By saying, "I'm covered in Jesus' blood", is she trying to assert that all of those who have died so far are atheists? Is she really trying to suggest that believing in god gives immunity from COVID-19?
Her attitude is incredibly unpleasant and I hope that those who know her take time to, calmly and kindly, point out how offensive she was.
America is in desperate need of a good leader, someone who actually has the brains and compassion necessary to lead their nation through this worldwide pandemic. They also need to address the nonsense that is caused by individual states being able to set their own laws.