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Homophobic Abuse Targeted At Vicar After The Death Of His Partner, Another Vicar


I was sad to hear earlier today of the passing of the Reverend David Coles after a prolonged illness.

I will admit that I initially thought I was reading about the death of his partner, the Reverend Richard Coles who I had seen once at a service for Age UK at a church in London. I'm an atheist and, as a result, not a regular church goer.

On this occasion I was representing my employer of the time.

It was an entertaining service.

The Reverend Richard Coles himself was a highly engaging person and spoke articulately and with great humour. Without doubt, he was (and thankfully still is) a superb orator and an example of a good, no, a great vicar.

It wasn't just his company I got to enjoy that day. Others who contributed to the 'entertainment' included Christopher Biggins, Dame Barbara Windsor, Lionel Blair and Penny Smith.

So, whilst I am pleased that Richard is still with us, I am sad for his loss.

However, it seems that others can't show empathy.

Unfortunately, Rev Richard Coles has received hate mail, including some claiming that his partner is in hell and that he will soon join him there!

That is hardly a christian response to the death of a vicar.  Christ! (with apologies for my blasphemy) It isn't the response anyone should have for the death of anyone, let alone someone who has done nothing to harm anyone else.

Richard has received lots of messages of support.  But he has also shared some details of the offensive responses there has been to him losing his partner.

Richard, who was formerly the keyboard player with 1980s chart toppers The Communards referred to one, saying: "A letter, courageously unsigned, begins: 'Dear Mr Coles, I can't begin to tell you how happy I am to hear of the death of your partner...'"

I may be a white, straight, middle aged atheist, but I would 100% prefer to share time and my memories with a brave homosexual vicar like Richard, than a homophobic bigot using their religion as a tool to attack the innocent.

I am passionate about inclusiveness.

The only thing I hate in life, is discrimination.

Whilst I cannot offer to pray for the Reverend Richard Coles, I can assure him that he and his sadly departed partner are in my thoughts this evening and will be throughout this festive period.

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