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Gavin Williamson's Comments Show The Ugliness Of Brexiteer Politicians And Nationalism Generally


The Education Secretary, Gavin Williamson, has claimed that the UK has better scientists and medical regulators than other countries, continuing to say that: "That doesn’t surprise me at all because we’re a much better country than every single one of them, aren’t we.”

It is all well and good being patriotic, but nationalistic jingoism is crass and Williamson's comments, just as with certain other Tory politicians, is lacking in any credibility or decorum.

It's very typical of the Brexiteer mindset, which places bombastic rhetoric ahead of fact or realism.

You can view the clip by clicking on the image above

Please don't misunderstand me and form the opinion that I am 'anti-Britain' or hate the UK. I love my country. However, I am not stupid or childish enough to adopt the view that the UK is the greatest nation on Earth.

No country is perfect. That is an undeniable fact. In the UK, we have many, many areas to be ashamed of. And I am ashamed of them. I am not ashamed of my country as a whole though; there is much to be proud of, after all.

This government though, for all of the things it has been proactive with over the course of this pandemic, has been quite shameful in so many areas.

Using the vaccine as a means to promote Brexit is completely inappropriate and the manner in which certain politicians have done this has been, quite simply, to lie - not something that is that unusual of course; the whole Brexit campaign was built ono lies and xenophobia.

The way the Prime Minister has implemented the various restrictions, failing to implement the recommendations of the experts in a timely manner manner, has been shambolic. His bumbling manner during press conferences and Prime Minister's Questions is the old normal for him, but it is not what this country needs in these trying times.

We need a leader, and a cabinet, who can be trusted. Sadly, we are still stuck with Johnson and his sycophants.

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