It is staggering that Trump's lawyers have decided to claim that the #OrangutanPresident's obvious incitement to the rioters, was simply his right to freedom of speech.
The right to free speech, for anyone, has to have limits. You should not be able to make a public call for someone to be murdered, or persecuted for the things that make them different, without facing prosecution for incitement. This should be the case for literally everyone in society.
If you seek, or dare I say it succeed in attaining, a position in public service, you should be held to a far higher standard of accountability.
Let's be honest; Trump had been guilty of hate speech on numerous occasions before the 2020 election, much of which might have led to a very real assessment of potential prosecution had he not been the President of America. At the same time, there is absolutely no doubt that any 'ordinary' person would have been banned from Twitter years earlier than was the case with the 'Commander in Chief'.
Freedom of speech does not, must not, extend to such situations where it incites, or is likely to lead to, violence or illegal actions.
If someone has done something to encourage another to commit a criminal offence, they should not get to excuse their crime by claiming it was 'free speech'. Quite frankly, that's almost as wrong as saying a rapist should get to claim that sexually assaulting someone is 'okay'; as to prevent him from sexually assaulting someone would be to impinge on their freedom to attack whomsoever they please.
There has to be a limit as to what is covered by 'freedom of speech'.
To my mind, it is almost as if Chump's lawyers have given up on any pretence at claiming the despotic narcissist is actually innocent. Instead, they are looking for angles with which to deflect attention from the ugliness of what he has said and done.
The fact remains; that #PresidentOrange has been spewing hatred through his press conferences and his Twitter account for years. His inability to accept the outcome of the 2020 election, and the deranged way he has responded to the questions that arose, have shown how untrustworthy and unreliable he is.