Please think before you share posts that appear to be patriotic.
Sadly, an awful lot of these are in fact either being pushed by racist, xenophobic, bigoted groups, or by fraudsters looking to make a few quid out of our pride in our country and those who serve.
A page called St George's Day (St George's Day) @April23rd has been posting recently. Lots of 'share this post to show you remember'; which might be the England World Cup Team of 1966, our soldiers, Spitfires or something else we can be proud of.
However, much as the subject matter itself might be positive or stirring, their message isn't.
Look further at the profile I referred to above, and you will find them promoting the sale of lots of different Poppy badges. However, most of these badges are not the two leaf badges sold by the Royal British Legion (available from www.poppyshop.org.uk), but other types of pin that aren't protected by copyright and only serve to line the pockets of those selling them - there is no way of showing respect to our troops by buying 'fake' poppies.
Rather than share their profit driven message, why not look up a link on YouTune for an official video of the Spitfires / Lancasters / helicopters flying and share that instead.
Don't share their image of soldiers, meant to attract more 'likes' for their page and build their profile, find a genuine one from a reputable source; one that isn't being abused by profiteers.
The family of Lee Rigby and many others who have been abused by Britain First (by them using their name in vain), have repeatedly asked for this to stop.
So, let's honour the right people.
If you see a brilliant link, before you share it, check its provenance, its source and its ultimate purpose.
We have all, I'm sure, fallen foul to these rogues trying to use our faith in mankind to abuse us and those we are trying to respect.
We just need to try and be a little slower in sharing this. Have a look first. Scan back, not just a couple of days, but months at least.
If you don't have time for this, rather than share their message, use it as an encouragement to share a genuine post from the RBL / Poppy Shop / Help for Heroes or other worthwhile cause.
Let us stop scam artists ripping off those who actually deserve our support.