CBRUK have launched an aggressive and determined campaign against Stella Creasy, the MP for Walthamstow, for her pro-choice stance on abortion.
The major issue that I can see Stella Creasy has addressed is the truly awful treatment of some pregnant women in Northern Ireland. Abortion is banned, irrespective of the reasons why the mother may be considering it.
Many women end up travelling to England for an abortion and this can be difficult for them, as well as costly. Stella has sought to make thins easier for these women, some of whom may have been raped or might have medical issues that mean pregnancy might pose a risk to the physical or mental health.
As a result of Stella's caring attitude towards these women, the organisation CBRUK have taken it upon themselves to attack her very aggressively.
The home page of CBRUK's website is so focused upon attacking Stella that it is actually extremely disturbing and, I would have thought, very frightening for the Walthamstow MP.
The group have a focus on their assertion that Stella has been promoting human rights abuses of children in the womb.
I think this is extremely misguided.
I do not believe that Stella Creasy has any agenda against unborn babies.
She isn't actively promoting abortion, or encouraging women to abort their foetuses. All she is doing is providing women with a choice, should they need it.
What CBRUK are doing, in protesting about supposed 'human rights abuses of children in the womb', is actively campaigning against the human rights of the pregnant women who wish to consider whether abortion is the most sensible course of action.
There is no regard for the health of the mother in CBRUK's approach.
It is as if these anti-abortion zealots think it is right and proper to discriminate against these women.  They are so blinded by their desire to protect the embryo or foetus, that the possibility that the mother will suffer ill health if they proceed with the pregnancy is, it seems, considered irrelevant.
Abortion isn't something that I would celebrate or encourage without good reason.
However, that's not what Stella Creasy is doing and there is no way that she deserves to be the subject of the disgusting and disturbing campaign by CBRUK.
Those behind the campaign should be facing criminal charges for abuse and harassment.