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Catholic League On Predatory Priests: It’s Not Rape If The Child Isn’t Penetrated


From a legal perspective, this vile human being may be right.

However, the fact this is just one of the arguments he has repeatedly used to try and trivialise the obscene abuse perpetrated by paedophile priests. His reasoning is completely disgusting:

"Most of the alleged victims were not raped: they were groped or otherwise abused, but not penetrated, which is what the word 'rape' means."

The fact he used the word 'alleged' provides us with further evidence as to the repellent views of this obnoxious president of the Catholic League.

The inhumane treatment of the victims in Pennsylvania and many other places cannot be mitigated by arguments that some of them were not 'penetrated' as part of their sexual abuse. Frankly, I find it nauseating that this 'conservative' Christian would seek to find methods to minimise the revolting truth of the perverted assaults against more than a thousand children by hundreds of Catholic priests in  Pennsylvania.

This unpleasant excuse for a 'man of faith' also criticised news outlets for describing the incidents as paedophilia, when he claimed most of the victims were 'post-pubescent'! Moreover, he sought to blame the attacks on homosexuality, saying the violators were 'gay priests' and alleging the media were sensationalising the “minority” of cases involving preteen girls.

He ignores the obvious evidence of a disproportionate number of potential young male victims, given that most choristers have been young males, as the reason for a disparity in the numbers of male and female victims.

Any attempt to lessen the impact of the crimes committee against the child victims should be treated with the utmost contempt. Those who spout the obscene nonsense that has come from Bill Donohue deserve to be challenged, quite aggressively, about their extremely revolting and sickening attitudes.

It's Just My Opinion, but people like Bill Donohue deserve to be forced to confront the obscenities promoted by their vile views.

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