As 2018 draws to a close, and we move into the year that could become the UK's defining moment, I want to (again) raise the subject of Brexit.
I will not stop repeating my message about the absolute craziness of Brexit until it's too late. Maybe, just maybe, I won't even stop then. After all, I honestly do not think there has even been a more disastrous decision taken by the UK government, with the support of (at least some of) the British public.
Never before have the electorate been lied to so blatantly and obviously; but 'successfully'.
Never before have we, as a country, pressed ahead with a decision based upon such xenophobic misinformation and nationalistic mindlessness; even when the truth has become known.
Never before, has the UK been fighting to be viewed as the most laughed at nation in the world; at a time when America has a President who would ordinarily be capable of claiming the title not just for the year, or his term in office, not just for the decade or even the century; but actually for the millennium. And yet, we seem obsessed with denying him (and America) this title.
With just 91 days to go before the UK is supposed to leave the EU, and with the population gradually realising what a disaster Brexit will be, it is about time Theresa May and her government stopped messing around and admitted the truth.
The country doesn't just deserve a vote on the final outcome on its relationship with the EU; the future of democracy in Britain is depending upon it.
The ridiculous claims of Brexiteers, which have even ended up being spouted by the Prime Minister - who actually supports our EU membership, but is too scared to stand up to the ERG - suggesting that a second vote would destroy the public's faith in democracy are not laughable; because it isn't a joke. They are yet another lie.
Democracy cannot be diminished by another vote.
Democracy is tarnished when the electorate are lied to, when electoral rules are broken and when politicians betray the population in order to further their own agenda.
That is precisely what happened in the 2016 referendum campaign and has, to a massive extent, been continuing since.
Forget the distraction tactics of Brexit supporters.
Vote Leave and LeaveEU lied, cheated and used xenophobic scaremongering to convince people to vote against remaining in the EU.
The Remain camp focussed on the threat to our economy and failed to champion the many positive aspects of our EU membership; stupidly believing that the British public wouldn't listen to the lies, misleading information and xenophobia shouted by their opponents.
That was a massive error of judgement. In fact, it is this that we should be most incensed with when we think about David Cameron and his big gamble. His decision to hold the referendum was a mistake, but it was based upon his belief it would put an end to the annoying anti-EU attacks by UKIP and members of his own party. His decision to stand down following the defeat in the referendum was, I believe, based upon his honest belief that he had failed the UK already and was not the best person to take the country through the negotiation process.
He was wrong, perhaps.
I do believe he would have been better able to negotiate with the EU, primarily because I think he would have still retained greater respect with the other member states and would not have just given up on the idea of us remaining a significant force within Europe.
We should have another vote; just as other countries have had in the past.
Prior to that vote, those who committed criminal offences during the 2016 referendum campaign should face prosecution for those crimes. At an absolute minimum, Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson should face charges of Misconduct in Public Office.
Then, all campaigning should be subject to robust scrutiny with quick and decisive action taken against anyone found to be lying to or misleading the electorate.
The way to restore faith in democracy, is to show that lies, cheating and illegal behaviour on the part of politicians and political campaigners will not be accepted. We have to remove the infection of dishonesty from UK politics and replace it with trust, respect and high moral standards.
It is time that our politicians were subjected to 'fit and proper' checks before being permitted to stand for office; and annually thereafter.