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Brexit: Ugly Truth Revealed


1.7m young people have passed the age of 18 since the referendum and they all deserve a say on the future, as do the students still at secondary school; after all, it is they and those who follow who will live with the outcome of Brexit for longest and have to deal with the repercussions.

I've always disliked the criticism and hate shown towards Jacob Rees Mogg, solely because of his lineage and upbringing. He can't be blamed for having been born into a life of wealth and privilege, any more than I can be blamed for being born in Tidworth's military hospital.

It is, however, absolutely deserving if people criticise him for his elitist political outlook and the impact his preferred policies would have on the ordinary members of society. He isn't going to be financially disadvantaged by Brexit, especially with investment funds held elsewhere in Europe and the World.

His suggestion that it may take 50 years for the 'benefit of Brexit' to be felt, but we should get on with it regardless, is staggering and alarming. He is wishing away the futures of our children, who (if his prophecy became true) would live lives of hardship and retire into poverty.

We, the British people, deserve a say in the final outcome.

Those young people who were not afforded a vote in the referendum deserve to cast a vote and have their voices heard.

Click the image to read the In Facts article

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