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Click the image to read the Guardian article

This is an awful and unjustified attack on two young women, leading to the violent death of one of them and injury to the other.

This story is a horrific reminder of how many white Americans still see themselves as better than others. They are, of course wrong; very wrong. The colour of a persons skin does not have any impact on their virtue or value as a human being. The country or region where your ancestors came from does not have any impact on your virtue or value as a human being. Your religion, or lack of religion has no impact on your virtue or value as a human being.

What is in your heart, and what is in your mind; how you treat others and look at others; that's what tells the story of your value as a human being. That's how you show if you deserve the love and respect of those around you.

As an Englishman, I know that my ancestors committed horrific crimes across the world building an empire. They colonised countries and murdered those who would not convert from one faith to their faith. Whilst I am ashamed of what they did, I am not ashamed of being English. Being English doesn't make me racist or mean that I have to be discriminatory against any sector of society. I am ashamed of those who are English and hold xenophobic views.

I am ashamed of white supremacists in the UK; but I'm ashamed of white supremacists across Europe and the rest of the world too.

As an atheist, I am ashamed of Islamaphobes, just as I am ashamed of those who attack Christians (whilst acknowledging it is rarer) or members of other faiths - again, I am ashamed of those who are English, but also those who show such intolerance wherever they live or from wherever they have travelled.

As a straight man, I am ashamed of homophobes and those who discriminate against transexuals or other minorities in the sexual identity sphere of life.

I am ashamed of these people, not as an Englishman, but as a human being. It is one thing we have in common; all of us. It is the one thing that should allow us to see the beauty in every other being (human or other species) on our planet.

This horrific murder must be investigated properly and the man who committed this barbaric act must face his punishment.

America must look in the mirror and recognise the enormous imbalance in the way people are treated, just because of the colour of their skin. As has been mentioned, this white man was arrested with minimum fuss, in a calm manner without weapons being drawn; even though he had committed murder, he had taken an innocent life with a weapon he chose to go out with.

Had he been black, and had she been white, it is fairly obvious the arrest would not have been handled in such a manner. That needs to be addressed, because the use of force should only be used when it has become necessary. It should not be the default approach, just because of a persons skin colour.

However, I do not agree that the godfather of this innocent victim is a coward for calling for calm (as has been vocalised by some in America).

In doing so, I think he is trying to protect the memory of his goddaughter, to stop it being tarnished by being used to start another race riot. I think he is trying to show that it is possible to achieve justice without resorting to vandalism and violence.

I expect he was asked to speak in such a manner by law enforcement officers and others who are eager to avoid more bloodshed and criminal damage. He may well be intelligent and lucid enough to recognise that the change you most certainly need will only be brought about by peaceful means, but I would still imagine others were trying to influence what he was going to say, one way or the other.

Calling men cowards for not turning to violence and calling them weak for listening to women is not productive and not helpful. It is instead showing different types of discrimination and intolerance.

My heart goes out to the family and loved ones of Nia. You are in my thoughts.

I hope that the publicity surrounding this will be enough to see some change in the attitudes of American citizens and law enforcement towards issues of discrimination, but recognise that such issues are not going to be solved overnight, or even during the term of one presidential term - especially one led by such a megalomaniac, sociopath cockwomble as America are currently enduring. Peaceful interaction, the education of extremists and xenophobes and changes in the law are required.

I sincerely hope this is achieved and achieved swiftly.

Please accept my apologies for rambling on (if you've managed to stick with me this far).

Love and peace.

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