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Biden Is President Elect: How Long Before Trump Finally Concedes?


Yesterday came the news that we had been anticipating, but seemed far too slow in coming.

Whilst it was obvious that Trumps hold on the White House was ebbing away, he was still desperately trying to convince everyone that he had actually won; or maybe he was trying to convince himself.

His bizarre press briefing in the White House, where he lied about having won the election based upon 'legal votes', was an incredibly embarrassing situation for the whole of America. He seemed to be rambling and certainly wasn't his usual ebullient self. Whilst a break from the over-exuberant buffoon may be a blessed relief, it was alarming to see him unravelling.

As ever, the orangutan president's Twitter feed was awash with the mindless rants of the narcissistic megalomaniac.

As it stands at the moment, it would appear that Trump is still clinging onto his claims that the election was rigged against him.

Absolutely none of the allegations have been backed up with proof and all he has managed to do is attract even more ridicule; bringing further embarrassment on the position of POTUS.

It seems that President Chump is not content with losing the election, but is now aiming to humiliate himself and the nation by launching into unwarranted legal action.

He has previously made reference to using the Supreme Court to secure his second term in office, and there are plenty of individuals who are suggesting that America's highest court will be used overturn the democratic result of the election. Many have suggested the recent replacement of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Democrat associate justice who died in September, with Amy Coney Barrett. This appointment, just a few days before the election, means the Supreme Court is even further skewed; with a Republican majority of 6-3.


It is worth noting that, Mitch McConnell, in the wake of Antonin Scalia’s death nine months before the 2016 election, solemnly announced: “The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next supreme court justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.

And yet, when Ginsburg died just two months before the 2020 election, he was instrumental in pushing through the appointment of Barrett.

Whilst Barrett may be qualified for appointment to the Supreme Court, the manner in which her appointment was handled is appalling.


If Trump does indeed pursue a case through the Supreme Court (and they accept it), we can only hope that the Chief Justice and Associate Justices do not allow their personal agendas and political leanings to influence any decisions they make.

If they were to rule somehow that Trump should be permitted to retain the presidency, I honestly worry about what happens next. Is that the end of democracy in America? Would the military enact a coup? Their 'Commander in Chief' would not be the man elected to the role, so would they show to him the allegiance they would to their actual president?

Goodbye Trump; the world is happy to see you go.

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